We Help Service Based Businesses Produce Spine -Chilling ROI Via Paid Advertising

What we offer

Paid Advertising

Ads, Just Ads.

We do one thing - we just do it with a monastic focus and better than anyone else. If you want an agency that offers a full service solution of everything that won’t move the needle forward, we’re not for you.

If you want an agency where with two clicks, you can get a clear breakdown of how much was spent, how much was made & what your net profit was - we’re for you. 

Mastery Demands Focus So...

We don't offer any other services except for paid advertising...

  • Web Design

  • Content Creation

  • Email Marketing

  • ​Social Media Management

  • ​Instagram Growth

  • ​PR Service

The Power Of Facebook Advertising:


Total Advertising Revenue In 2020

$5.31 Average CPM

$0.43 Average CPC

2.79 Billion Users

Drake Bolden


Meet The Founder

Here at Hashtag Digital, we've worked with the best in the industry. We do away with the inefficiencies & formalities that plague most agencies.

Discover the power of collaborative marketing tailored specifically for realtors and lenders. At our company, we prioritize a client-centric approach, ensuring that your unique needs and goals are at the forefront of every strategy we develop. Through close collaboration and teamwork, we work hand-in-hand with you to craft personalized marketing solutions that resonate with your target audience and drive tangible results.

Free 15-Minute Intro Call

By the end of this Audit call, you will have a clear understanding of the next steps you can take for your business to start generating consistent and reliable results online with Funnels & Paid Advertising.


  • Businesses looking to convert their current website into a high quality & streamlined funnel format.

  • Realtors or Lenders looking to take their business online

  • ​Realtors or Lenders looking to understand their increased revenue potential with funnels & conversion rate optimization.

  • ​Realtors and Lenders looking for a reliable agency that can make their company a priority.

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